You know, if you wanted to try the upcoming battle with some friends. When you arrive, speak to the Admiral and he’ll tell you about the convergence of energy that lies ahead, and blatantly lie to you about this being the point of no return… but you can totally back out of the quest later on, say, after the cutscenes are over.
With that out of the way, eat a good meal and post this assignment. There’s no element the next monster is strong or weak to, so anything goes in that regards, but it is weak to Poison, so if you can work that in, it may help. In fact, similar gear to what you used to fight Teostra will work fine here, too. While it doesn’t have any elements it heavily relies on, it can create patches of heated ground that’ll set you on fire and deal damage to you while you’re on it, so bringing along Fire Resistance gear will get rid of this nuisance and make the fight somewhat easier, overall. The next enemy you’ll be facing fortunately doesn’t require anything novel in terms of gear. Before you depart, let’s talk preparations.